White Earth Investment Initiative

Registration Information

WEII Free Tax Preparation Tool

In addition to helping taxpayers prepare and file their federal and state tax returns through its in-person and virtual tax sites, WEII offers a free, no-cost tax preparation tool that allows taxpayers to independently complete and file their returns. This tool is helpful for taxpayers who:

  • Simply want to prepare and file their returns on their own
  • Are missing identification documents that WEII in-person and virtual sites are required to view before preparing a tax return
  • Have tax situations that are "out of scope" for WEII's VITA program - for example farm income or loss, rental income, virtual currency transactions, and others.

As long as your adjusted gross income (AGI) is under $79,000, this free tool will allow you to create your 2023 return completely and 100% free. There are no hidden charges for extra schedules or forms and no surprise fees right before you e-file.

If you are interested in preparing your own 2023 returns and doing them completely free, simply complete the registration form below. You will immediately get an informative email and the link to TaxSlayer's free software. If you have questions, email us at mytaxquestions@mmcdc.com and we'll respond to your question within 48 hours.



*NOTE:  We are aware that some users have had difficulty receiving the auto-response email containing the free TaxSlayer link. Please remember to check your spam folder. If you have not received the link within thirty minutes of completing the form, please send an email to mytaxquestions@mmcdc.com and the link will be emailed to you by one of our tax staff.